Duo Similia : Wichita, Kansas, USA, 5-12-2006
Wichita Guitar Society Guest Artist Series : Wichita Art Museum
Annie Labrie: Guitar
 Nadia Labrie: Flute

"Tonight, Duo Similia presented some of the most beautiful music which touched my heart with the utmost perfection and grace. It was breathtaking to experience how they were able to communicate so genuinely, as one, the very essence and soul of each composer. It was as if they had a direct line to their spirit. This spirit filled the hall, enrapturing the audience, as we sat spellbound in the palms of their hands. They stirred each emotion and seasoned the mix with just the right amount of pepper and spice. Annie's own arrangements were superb. Her playing was exceptional. Nadia sent us on an ethereal journey that most can only dream about. It was heaven, I tell you! The hall has never been more alive. I can not wait to partake again."

- John Francis - Director, Wichita Guitar Society - 5-12-2006